Burning the candle at both ends

Burning the candle at both ends

bright burn burnt candle
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I am writing this post from a place of near exhaustion.

I’m not intending to moan, but to give some context to what’s going on behind the scenes of the blog.

I started blogging properly in July last year and have posted almost daily since then…that’s a lot of posts! I now mainly post multilingual flashcards for language learning and book reviews, but I am also hoping to share some more teaching resources too. I hope that my resources have been helpful and I appreciate all the lovely readers who like and comment on my posts.

Recently, as much as I love it, my job has been immensely busy. We are also in the process of buying a house (which is far more complicated than I had ever imagined!).

As a perfectionist (of the rather destructive variety…) I have really been struggling with not being able to have everything in my life perfectly under control. That isn’t helped by the fact that the internet can be merciless when you make a typo or similar mistake. I sometimes get more interaction with a post that contains an error (often typo, despite repeated proofreads) than one that it error-free.

I am trying to remind myself that, while we (in theory!) can do anything we set our minds to, it doesn’t mean that we can do everything all at once!

I am going to continue posting on my blog as often as I can, while still attempting to maintain a balance of posts. I am, however, stepping back from instagram for a bit as I love taking photographs but am never home during daylight to get good enough light for photography.

To all the bloggers out there, working hard at creating the best content they can, whilst juggling everything else that life throws at you – well done!

I know how it feels to become discouraged by a dip in stats or an unkind, throwaway comment (or subtweet!), but I want you to know that your effort is recognised and appreciated.

If you leave your link below, I would be happy to read and comment on any of your posts which you are proud of but have not attracted much love!

Wishing everyone a lovely week!

Find me on Twitter , Goodreads or Instagram

12 Comments Add yours

  1. D. Metzke says:

    That is really nice of you to still offer to read other bloggers’ posts, even after you laid out everything that is keeping you busy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for commenting! I love blog hopping and am constantly inspired by the creativity and dedication I see from bloggers in all areas. I think we need to support each other and I love finding new blogs to follow – just wish I could do even more!


  2. I’m so sorry you’ve been struggling with this – I’m sending much love your way. ❤ If it helps, yours is a blog that has always inspired me. Your posts are so detailed and interesting to read and your dedication puts me to shame.

    The hardest thing about being a blogger is that we put up these glittering, positive fronts but there's often a whole other story going on behind the scenes. If if were easy everyone would be doing it, right? I know that it's easier said than done but try to ignore those pesky comments and remember that you have so many friends who love and appreciate what you create. xox

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely, thoughtful comment – it really lifted me up when I read it and continues to put a smile on my face! I think non-bloggers tend to underestimate how much goes on behind the scenes! I started blogging without really doing my research and have learned so much, but still have so much to learn! x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m so glad 🙂 Blogging is definitely not easy! There’s a lot of pressure and our inner critic is our own worst enemy sometimes but in the end it’s so much fun and we make such amazing friends.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. lucindablogs says:

    Oh no! Really sorry to hear that you’re having a stressful time right now. Ignore the stats, ignore the negative comments and take some time for yourself. If you need to take some time away from your amazing blog, we’ll all still be here when you come back ☺Much love 💙💚💛💜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Lucinda! I think it’s just everything coming at once that made me feel so wiped out, especially as everyone around me seems to be catching the lurgy. In a way, I guess it serves as a reminder that you’re never going to please everyone…yet I am still enjoying blogging so going to do my best to keep it up! x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. lucindablogs says:

        Oh dear. I recommend shouting KEEP AWAY! at anyone who looks a bit snuffly, or failing that blast them with dettol. It’s great that you’re still around on here but please look after yourself! 💜

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I am surrounded by children who are very generous with their germs! I’m sure that my class is tired to me asking them if they’ve washed their hands yet, handing them tissues and squirting hand sanitizer at them!

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      3. lucindablogs says:

        There’s no hope for you then 😂 I’m going to a birthday party for a three year old over xmas so I’m sure I’ll be wiped out for new year.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Tissues and hand sanitizer are my secret weapons! Good luck!

        Liked by 1 person

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